Activation Guide

The MegaSceneryEarth installation procedure requires activation. It also requires that the computer that you are installing downloading with is connected to the internet. This doesn't mean that you cannot use your scenery on a PC that is not connected to the internet since you can copy the files via a flash drive onto the offline PC. However, to download the files, you will need an internet connection.

There are two ways to activate your installer in order for the download to proceed beyond 10 files; Online Activation and Offlline Activation. The online activation is the easiest and quickest and the offline version is provided as a backup method of activating in the event that the online activation is being blocked due to a peculiarity of your system or a firewall or your antivirus is blocking it.

Note that the e-mail address you have used to activate will be stored permanently as the activation e-mail for this license number. If you reinstall be sure to enter the email address you first activated with.

In most circumstances, your activation information will be added to your registry so that if you need to reinstall your scenery onto the same PC you will not need to activate again. On rare occasions your antivirus software might prevent our installer from writing activation to your registry. It won't prevent you from installing. it simply means you will need to reactivate if installing again in the future.

Online Activation

  1. The OK button will be greyed out until a correct license number is detected.

  2. Enter your e-mail address in the first field

  3. Enter the same e-mail address in the second field to verify you have spelled it correctly

  4. Enter or paste your license number

  5. If the license number checksum verifies correctly, the text in the OK button will turn black meaning that you can click it.

  6. Simply press ok and your license will be activated and your installation will proceed.

  7. It's that easy!

Offine Activation

In the rare event that your online activation didn't work, you can attempt an offline activation. Since this will not be subject to your system blocking our installer from communicating with our license server.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter your e-mail address in the first field

  2. Enter the same e-mail address in the second field to verify you have spelled it correctly

  3. Enter or paste your license number

    It is important you do steps 1 to 3 also with offline activation since your email and license number are encoded into the Activation Token. Your token will be invalid without those fields completed.

  4. Then proceed with Step 3 on the activation screen.

  5. Place your mouse into the Activation Token field and select ALL of the text that is in the field.

  6. Right click your mouse and select copy

  7. Click on the link in Step 4 and it will take you our activation server via your browser.

  8. When you are at the license server interface, ignore the top section and go to the section headlined Offline Activation.

  9. Place your mouse in the offline activation section and paste your token into the Activation Token field (Control-V or Right Click mouse and select Paste.

  10. The license server will e-mail you an activation string. You did not need to enter an e-mail address because your e-mail address is encoded into the token.

  11. Check your e-mail from MegaSceneryEarth with a subject of Requested Activation Code.

  12. Open the e-mail and select the entire string (as highlighted in the image below) under Activation Code:

  13. Copy the text

  14. Then go back to your MegaSceneryEarth activation screen

  15. Place your mouse in the Activation Code field and paste the string (Control-V or right click and paste)
  16. Press OK

  17. Your activation will complete and your installation will proceed.

Possible Issues and Solutions

If your Online Activation fails (which is very rare), it means that your PC is blocking our activation screen from communicating with our license activation server.

It could be your antivirus software or your firewall.

1. Temporarily disable your antivirus software and/or firewall
2. Allow the domain in your antivirus web protection section
3. If 1 and 2 above don't correct the situation you could Start your PC in Safe Mode With Networking.
4. If you want to avoid doing step 3 above perform the steps 3 to 7 on the activation screen (offline activation)

Things that can go wrong in Offline Activation mode are:

1. You do not receive an e-mail with your activation code
2. Your actual activation fails


If you do not receive an e-mail with your activation code:

1. Check your spam folders
2. Ensure that you entered the correct e-mail address and the correct license number
3. Ensure that you copied the entire field (every character) from the Activation Token

If your activation fails

1. Ensure that you pasted the entire Activation Code in the activation code field
2. Temporarily disable your antivirus software

If all fails please send a support request to [email protected]